
Join the MIR BlackBerry Messenger Group for a week

Yesterday, reader Mike added me as a contact on BlackBerry Messenger. He wanted to check out BlackBerry Messenger — and he hadn’t actually tried out BlackBerry Messenger Groups. I was delighted to help. BBM Groups are actually really, really funky. But if you’ve been sat with a ‘business’ BlackBerry, primarily using it for email, you may well not have actually checked it out.

So if you’d like to try out BlackBerry Messenger Groups, I’d like to invite you to the MIR Group I established so we can all have a play and a chat. I’ll also try and use the group as a backchannel on what’s going on at MIR too.

This will only be a week, so don’t worry, you’re not committing to joining something for ages. I think it might be a good opportunity to chat to more readers directly and to test out the various BBM Group features.

The group will only hold a maximum of 30 people at once — and we’re at 6 already — so please drop me a note ( with your BlackBerry PIN and I’ll add you. Or add me to BBM and I’ll add you. My PIN is: 22296B2B

Or… and this is the science bit, let’s get barcoding! Yes… one of the cool new BBM features is barcode support. Instead of using my PIN, all you need to do is scan my barcode to add me. Or scan the group’s barcode to join.

So. If you’d like to try that…

Here is my personal barcode (to add me):

And to join the group (it’s limited to 30, so if you can’t get in, that’s why), use this barcode:

To do the scanning, run BlackBerry Messenger on your device. To add me, select ‘Invite Contact’ from the menu then ‘scan a person’s barcode’ and hold up the device camera to the screen above. When it gets a lock, it’ll then add me.

Likewise with groups, run BlackBerry Messenger and then scroll down to the ‘scan a group barcode’ option and wait a few seconds for the device to get a lock.

Try it!

In order to use the funky group stuff, you’ll need to have BlackBerry Messenger 5.0 installed on your device. If it’s a recent model, you probably already have it — but if in doubt, head over to BlackBerry App World to pick it up.

You can get hold of BBM 5, free obviously, from this url:

And here’s the BBM video: