
Just paid a tenner for The Times iPad app... (updated)

Why did I pay a tenner for The Times iPad app? Well I thought I should try it out and see what it was like. I’ve had a preview of it and it utterly rocked when I saw it. Alas right now all I see when I run the app is a black screen thus. Perhaps it’s because the first edition has not yet hit the digital presses? I think so. It’s only 1am at the moment. I have high hopes for News International although i do think they are faced with a rather difficult task.

That said, paying a tenner for the app is a little annoying. Unless That has bought me access to the site and service for a year. That would be ok. But paying just to have it on my iPad and then not being being able to login on the web… That would be annoying.

We shall see.

Published on my iPad.

Update: Here’s what I saw last night

This morning though, I saw this…

I clicked and got this message. Ah hah. Right. It’s a tenner for the month, roughly. Ok. I’ve paid in advance already by purchasing the app.

I registered and boom, here was the newspaper’s iPad edition:

The limitations became clear pretty quickly. I can’t DO anything with the content. I can’t send a link, tweet a link or talk about it virtually with anyone. For example, this is a pretty shocking piece of news that I wanted to comment upon to my friends.

I do like the fact that the whole thing is downloaded to the device so I don’t need connectivity to browse through. That’s good. I don’t like having to wait for the internet either.

I’m going to see how I get on and I’ll publish my thoughts soon.