
Just don't mention the 'i' word

It’s July (just in case you hadn’t noticed), and time for the industry to clear off for two months. That means it’s all very quiet out there in the world of mobile at the moment. Very quiet indeed. The only real thing happening is the iPhone PR steam roller is in it’s usual frenzy – Google News reports about 18,346 in the past 24 hours on Apple’s ‘wonder device’.

In comparison, SMS comes up with 3,797 mentions. Most of it is either dull as dishwater, or we’ve already talked about it – so there’s not a lot to link to at the moment.

Anyway, that aside. Can I have a show of hands (or a click of the mouse and a few keystrokes to leave a comment) on a proposal to not post any more pointless stories about the iPhone. Obviously if something exciting happens, like we get one to play with (look, there’s a flying pig!), it might just justify a story.

What do you think? Leave a comment, or drop me a mail to