
KangoGift: Instant real gifts by mobile phone

I picked up a story from Iconoculture about KangoGift this afternoon. Here’s how they describe it:

* Beta site KangoGift is now providing the hookup for what might be called presentexting. The service lets gift givers send text-message (SMS) vouchers for real presents.
* KangoGift (located in Cambridge, MA) is currently only partnering with businesses in Harvard Square; though they hope to eventually roll out to other areas.

I think we’ll begin to see this kind of thing fly, very shortly. I love it. I love the immediacy of it, the convenience.

You can, for example, text someone a hot chocolate! All you need to do is visit, select the product — pay for it and then tell them the recipient’s mobile phone number. They immediately get a text message (or an ‘enhanced’ message, if their handset supports it) telling them about the gift. The recipient simply needs to show the text message at check-out to redeem the voucher.

I can imagine using this kind of facility a lot, especially if they had an on-device application that made the ordering process a 15-second activity.

If you live in Cambridge, MA, I reckon you should give KangoGift a go and see how you get on. I look forward to seeing this kind of thing expanded to other areas and countries.