
Know anyone doing good things with social media in the mobile world?

BlogWorld & New Media Expo New York is racing toward us. The event is taking place toward the end of next month (24th-26th May). You can find out more about the event via this interview I did with co-founder Rick Calvert.

I’m helping out the organisers with the mobile stream of the event. Therefore I’m hunting around for best practice examples of mobile companies using social media and blogging. My intent is then to see if we can get the relevant protagonists on-stage with a presentation or perhaps participation in one of the array of panel discussions.

Now I’ve already got some personal favourites. Vodafone UK, for example, are simply legendary when it comes to their outreach on Twitter, on their own forums and around the internet. I have to admit I wasn’t that enamoured by T-Mobile’s outreach because (and I haven’t looked recently) they were all about broadcast and wouldn’t respond to anything other than specific TMO enquiries. The Orange team do their own handset unbox videos which I think is brilliant.

Sticking with Orange (or at least, France Telecom), the LifeIsBetterOn team do a super job too. I often end up finding rather interesting links from their Twitter profile.

If you think you should be on a panel discussion, giving a best practice presentation or perhaps even exhibiting to the ‘connected’ audience at BlogWorld, drop me a note and I’ll connect you to the right people.

I’m or ew4n on Twitter.