
Lenel: Control your office security system from your BlackBerry

I just watched a presentation from Joshua Phillips, Director of Marketing at security specialists, Lenel. Joshua and his colleague Justin were showing off their latest product set that enables their customers to remotely manage their security systems from their BlackBerry devices anywhere on the planet.

So, for example, you could use the Lenel mobile system to receive alerts whenever someone unauthorised tries to gain access to your office’s development lab. You’ll get an alert immediately with the details of the person, their keycard and the time/door they tried to enter. And you can then choose to permanently lock the lab, give them access, block their keycard… the whole shebang. Suffice to say it’s all very Tom Cruise/James Bond. Genius.

I watched the presentation then afterwards asked Joshua if he’d take the time to speak on camera about what they’re doing. He agreed so I’ll be able to bring you that, along with their slides (screenshots galore) shortly. I also got Justin (the chap who developed the mobile plugin to their systems) on camera doing a walk-through of the app.

Very, very cool.