
Loudervoice launches SMS reviews

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Loudervoice, the Irish reviews website, has just launched a text gateway service enabling anyone to send a review by text message to the service and have it appear within seconds.

It’s a piece of simplicity to use.

You simply text keyword REVIEW followed by your rating (1-5), the item name and an opinion, like so:

REVIEW 5 SMSTextNews Daily news and opinion for the mobile industry

Just send that to +353-87-9409325 and you’re done.

Here’s more of an overview:

Just had the best meal ever? Seen the worst movie? Drunk a mediocre Chardonnay? Now you can have your opinion visible within seconds to a global internet audience by sending a simply formatted text message to +353-87-9409325.

Every day we each encounter products and services that range from incredible to awful and feel the need to let others know. Word of mouth gets you so far but Web word of mouth gets you a lot further. Bandon based LouderVoice was founded to help great reviewers get noticed wherever they review. If you express your opinion on a blog, micro-blog, social network and now even on a mobile phone, then LouderVoice gets your valuable knowledge to a bigger audience.

I really like the concept. I particularly like the concept of being able to deliver my opinion when I’m out and about.

It’s not just text of course, you can fill in your opinion online at Shortly you’ll be able to Twitter and Jaiku your opinion as well, along with Youtube. You’ll also have the ability to put your reviews on your MySpace page (and, I imagine, any other webpage you wish).

It’s caught the attention of Le Web 3, the startup competition — Loudervoice are the only Irish company amongst the 30 finalists. (Results on December 11th).

Very cool!