
Make Texting / SMS Cheaper

In the light of the fact that Orange recently increased their standard out of bundle text cost to £0.12 per message, I thought it was time to do something about the market.

I just. Can’t. Get. My. Head. Around. It.  They’re putting the price… UP?  What is going through these mobile operator’s heads?

Forget MMS for a moment, the cost for SMS is ridiculous — 10 to 12 pence for 160 characters of text?  I think the operators must be under the impression that we’re perfectly fine blowing our cash on ‘data’ revenues such as this.  So much so that Orange, one of the leading operators in Europe, has boldly put the basic price of text up!

So, I’ve setup a petition site:

It is my intent to a) publicise the silly and rather monopolistic SMS costs we’re expected to pay here in the UK and b) make it known to the mobile operators that we are far from content at the situation.

I’m not proposing making texting free.  I think we all expect to pay per text — just not in the region of 10 or 12 pence each. 

I would very much appreciate your support — so if you have a minute, please pop over and put your email in the box and press ‘go’.  You don’t need to be UK based as this is aimed at mobile operators internationally.  If you have occasion, please also consider blogging it.