
Marketplace: Irish Meteor short code / virtual mobile number

I’m hoping to try and formalise a ‘marketplace’ function here on Mobile Industry Review to help all readers do more business with each other. When I sit down and consider the size of total MIR economy, I can’t think about it too much because it gets rather frustrating. You’re hunting for products and services to buy, right? And you’re also hunting for people to buy your products and services, yes? Well if they’re mobile-related, chances are you’ll find interest with the MIR readers. So if you’ve got a request, if you’re buying or selling, drop me a note that I can publish and let’s see if you get any bites?

The way this works at the moment is very simple. Email me. I publish. Any expressions of interest are either posted as a comment (or, as is far more popular, emailed to me and I forward them on).

Which brings me to this morning’s marketplace request. The reader, Adam, is buying. Here’s his request:

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Hi Ewan,

I wonder if you could help me with one of your supplier appeals please? 🙂

We are looking for a company that can provide us with either a short code or a virtual mobile number on the Meteor network in Ireland. We need the number to receive MMS & SMS (no billing is required). The MMS & SMS content would need to be passed to us via a http API or similar. The number is only required for ~ 1 or 2 months.

Any contacts you have would be greatly appreciated,

Many thanks in advance,


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There we go. Does anyone have some suggestions for Adam?