
Marketplace: SmartCam - uses bluetooth to turn mobiles into wireless webcams

The inaugural marketplace entry is from Ionut, a regular Mobile Industry Review reader who’s a big fan of our MIR Shows. We’ll have more for you soon Ionut.

Ionut is looking to monetise the mobile application he developed. It’s called SmartCam and it turns a mobile phone with wifi/bluetooth and camera into a wireless PC webcam.

The project is open source and available here:

Here’s a screenshot:

Although there’s a GPL license available for SmartCam, Ionut is keen to hear from operators, handset manufacturers or any one else interested in doing business with him.

SmartCam is available for Symbian and J2ME/Java — along with Linux and Windows clients.

If this triggers a thought in your mind and you’d like to talk with Ionut, drop me a note — — and I’ll connect you.