
mBlox help eBay expand sMS aUctions

Link: eBay Auctions by SMS Expands to 3 More Countries

SMS aggregator mBlox has said it’s working with application service provider Dynetic to offer a new SMS re-bidding service to eBay customers in the UK, France and Belgium.

The service, which launched in Spain back in September last year, enables eBay users to receive alerts when they’ve been outbid on an auction – and if they want enter a new higher bid.

The UK service costs 12p per message, and uses mBlox’s inbound and outbound premium SMS platform.

According to Ian Jordan, Head of Product Development, Operations and Innovation at eBay UK, “Traditionally web auctions are a desk-based activity and many auction biddings end prematurely because people leave their PCs. The possibility to participate beyond the PC from a mobile phone will have massive implications for the dynamics and value of the auction process.”