
Video: Meet John Malloy of Blue Run Ventures (Part 1)

I spent an hour on Monday with John Malloy of Blue Run Ventures in Menlo Park this Monday. Blue Run Ventures are one of the foremost mobile (and tech) venture capitalists on the planet. John and I had a wide ranging discussion about the mobile marketplace as well as the firm’s background and current investments. Plus I put John on the spot regarding the importance and relevance of Silicon Valley in the connected age.

It’s long been my belief that America (and Silicon Valley in particular) is the only place to be if you’re working on a startup. I’ve founded quite a few of my own startups and had some successful exits, but having slogged away in the UK’s ‘no’ culture, I wonder just how different things would have been if I’d done it all in Silicon Valley. I expected John to agree at least in part with my assertion that Silicon Valley is the place to be — however I didn’t expect his particular definitions and explanations. Fascinating. If you are an entrepreneur working on a startup in Europe right now, I strongly suggest you watch that segment.

First, though, part one. In this part I ask John to give us an overview of Blue Run Ventures and discuss how and what they typically invest in. I also asked John what the best way to pitch him an idea was. If you’re hunting for investment for your mobile startup, definitely watch this video series and definitely talk with Blue Run — they’re one of the Valley’s leading mobile venture firms.

Part two of John Malloy will follow soon.

Here’s the video:

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[Thank you to the team at Blue Run for helping cover the costs of getting to Silicon Valley with my video equipment fight cases. It’s not that easy to travel with all the production gear! Without their support, I wouldn’t be able to bring you John’s interviews nor the other interviews I captured whilst in the Valley — they’re coming soon by the way.]