
Video: Meet the man who runs Nokia's Navigation business: Christof Hellmis

With Nokia’s EVP of Markets, Anssi Vanjoki, predicting that the map will become the generic mobile interface and in the light of Nokia’s dramatic Ovi Maps & Navigation is free announcement back in January, I thought it would be rather interesting to meet the chap behind it all.

Christof Hellmis is a highly affable and passionate chap. I believe Rafe had met him quite a few times before, but our interview at Mobile World Congress was my first opportunity to say hello. When I say Christof is passionate, he perhaps doesn’t necessarily display it in the traditional sense (e.g. arms waving, spluttering with delight). Instead he’s calm, confident, direct — you’ll see in Part 1, the first question we asked was ‘Tell us about the Ovi Maps 3.0 launch’ (where Nokia announced free maps and navigation).

Christof’s immediate response?

“For us, January 21st was a lifetime milestone…”

Right then. My kind of guy! So if you’re into mobile maps and navigation and the possibilities surrounding the technology, these two videos will be of supreme interest.

Here’s Part 1:

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And then, Part 2:

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