
Microsoft Windows 10 adoption is off to a good start

Microsoft Windows 10 Adoption

Microsoft Windows 10 Adoption


Microsoft seems to be on a bit of a roll lately. Just last week they announced their first laptop (the Surface Book) which received favourable reviews and first impressions in the tech press. Windows 10 is also doing fairly well, especially by Windows 8 standards, and according to NetMarketShare, Windows 10 (which was released in July) has enjoyed a faster adoption rate than previous versions including Windows 7.

This September, Windows 10 was already installed on 6.6% of all PCs. Last week, the head of the Microsoft Windows and Devices division tweeted the fact that more than 75 million devices already had Windows 10 installed, backing up NetMarketShare’s market figures for August which demonstrate that the latest Microsoft OS is off to a pretty good start.

Furthermore, Windows 10 had a global market share of 5.2% in the first full month of availability, beating Windows 7 and Windows 8 which has 4.1% and 1.1% respectively.

Microsoft Windows 10 OS


So even though it’s early days, the changes that Microsoft has introduced with Windows 10 appear to have struck a chord with PC users. It no doubt helps that Windows 10 is free for Windows 7 and Windows 8 users however, speeding up adoption rates, but so far at least, it seems that the Redmond-based software giant’s latest OS could end up being more popular than Windows 7…