
Microsoft signs Adobe's Flash Lite for Windows Mobiles

So, just weeks after Microsoft announced it was bringing Silverlight to Nokia mobiles, the software giant has gone and struck a deal with Adobe to bring rival rich media software Flash Lite to Windows Mobiles.

Microsoft has licensed Flash Lite “to enable web browsing of Flash Player compatible content within the Internet Explorer Mobile browser in future versions of Microsoft Windows Mobile phones”, says Adobe, and Adobe Reader LE software for PDF viewing for mobile devices.

Steve Jobs may have signaled he doesn’t much fancy Flash for the iPhone but it doesn’t look like Adobe is short of friends on this one – especially if it can persuade an archrival like Microsoft to use the technology on its own devices. I don’t think Microsoft will be feeling too bad about giving its competitor a push – after all, Flash is already on half a billion-odd devices. A few more Windows Mobiles won’t hurt.