
Mippin knocks out Android client in 3 days

Have a read of this one if you’re thinking about creating an Android application.� I keep on telling folk that if you’re a half decent programmer, knocking out an Android app is a piece of simplicity.� People don’t believe me.� They seem to think it’ll cost 50k before they can get something like.

Not the case.

I refer you to this piece written by Richard Hyndman, Head of Development for Mippin.� Richard is a decent programmer and after 3 days of playing was able to deliver a Mippin Android app, thus:

The result of my time spent on the Android SDK is the Mippin app, which is now in the Android Market Store. That’s right I finished the first version of the app yesterday evening and within 10 minutes I’d signed up, paid my $25 to become a registered Android developer and published the app into the Market place, seconds later it was live for download. That was a great experience, so simple, I spent the evening checking my phone every half hour to see how many downloads the app had and to see the comments coming in. In the first 12 hours there were over 3000 downloads – not bad.

I’ll need to grab Mippin when I’m next on the G1.� Excellent work Richard!