
MIR and Mobile Developer TV are now HTML5 compliant

Mobile Industry Review and Mobile Developer TV are both HTML5 compliant, meaning from now on, you’ll be able to watch any videos we publish on your iPad or iPhone — or any other smartphone with built-in HTML5 video tag support.

Genius, eh?

It’s all thanks to the new beta HTML5 player from the chaps over at Longtailvideo. I’ve been using their player for Mobile Developer TV since launch. The new beta version of their player now works with HTML5, but degrades nicely for those using older browsers. If your browser doesn’t do HTML5, then you’ll get the flash version as normal. But if you view the site with your iPad, you’ll be able to play the videos nicely, instead of seeing that godawful empty space where the flash player should be.

Bring it on.

To celebrate, here’s a few of the recent videos we published on Mobile Developer TV, starting with episode 1 of the Future of Voicemail Series, supported by HulloMail, featuring Olivier Sichel of Sofinnova Partners.

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