
MIR Developer Networking Events in London & Paris

That’s right!

I’ve been on to DeviceAnywhere and asked if they’d agree to cover the cost of producing a Mobile Industry Review mobile developer networking event both in London and in Paris. Based on good response we’ll aim to do this as part of our European Tour and take the events to other cities across the region.

The concept? I want to meet developers. And I want to put a huge big spotlight on them and their work. What’s more, I’ve decided to take it a bit further with these events. I’m aiming to profile every single attendee and put up a screenshot/overview of at least one of their applications with associated links and background. I think it’s doable.

So if you’re a mobile developer and you can get to London or Paris, you’re invited to feature.

BUT — and this is a key point — because I want to meet everyone personally (not just a handshake at the front door a la MIR Unlimited Drinks), I’m going to limit the number to 15 people. Possibly 20 if you’re going to bring a friend.

The deal I’ve done with DeviceAnywhere to cover the cost of hosting the events also includes a free time-limited account extended beyond the normal one they offer, for every developer. It took some wangling but I’m pleased — the service is shit hot, especially if you’re trying to develop on international devices that you don’t want to purchase. (Read my DeviceAnywhere overview here).

There’s no limit to your size. If you’re a one-man developer, or a 500+ organisation of mobile geniuses, no problem.

We’re aiming for the London event to take place toward the end of this month, with Paris in early February before the Mobile World Cup Congress.

So here’s the value proposition:

I want to profile mobile developers. I’d like to meet 15 or so in London and another 15 from the burgeoning Parisian mobile scene. 15 is the upper number I reckon I can handle as I need to write a profile on each for the site.

It will involve about 2 hours of your time in a centrally located hotel bar or club. I’m thinking of holding the London one at private members’ club, One Alfred Place, just off Tottenham Court Road in the West End. Nice and relaxed there. I could use some suggestions for Paris.

It will involve:

* Meeting and chatting with the Mobile Industry Review team including me, Dan Lane, Ben Smith and quite possibly the uber-effervescent James Whatley. We might even be able to get Jonathan Jensen along depending on schedules.

* Drinks on the house. Or, more accurately, drinks on my pocket. And a bit of food.

* Meeting with other mobile developers. Bring some cards.

* The opportunity to knock about with DeviceAnywhere and actually play with the service.

* A one-to-one with me on camera, telling us what you do. Each interview should take about 5 minutes.

We’ll then publish the videos and overviews here on Mobile Industry Review during the proceeding week after the event.

So if you’d like to come along, drop me an email with the subject ‘MIR Developer Event’ and we’ll get you on the list.