
MIR London Mixer: This Wednesday at Charlotte Street Blues

We’re going all Blues, baby.

Yes! The MIR London Mixer — our all new, ultra relaxed, mobile industry networking evening has a new venue for this Wednesday’s event.

It’s suggested by the always cool Jay Fenton of HowlerTech.

Jay wrote to me recommending Charlotte Street Blues. It’s a blues music bar — in fact, they provide live blues music 7-days a week. Although they have a rather swanky, relaxed upper-floor bar. And that, my dear reader, is the one we’ve snared from 6pm.

The venue specialises in Southern American food (and drink). So if you’re into onion rings, french fries, sweet potato steak fries, cajun nuts, a HOT DOG (GET IN!) or a Charlotte Street blues burger, you will be entirely delighted. Food is available all night from the upper bar so you needn’t pop into Pret a Manger on the way, unless you’d like to be very healthy.

In terms of drinks — think normal bar stuff as well as:

A fully comprehensive menu of drinks is available in all 3 bars, including ice-cold beer, Budweiser, Guinness, Hoegaarden and Addlestons cider; 80 varieties of Bourbon; and the signature house cocktail, a Charlotte Mint Julep, served in traditional tin cups, at £5.50 a go.

(I think I’ll be leaving the Mint Julep toward the end of the evening.)

The live blues band begins downstairs from 9pm… so I suspect that it could well get rather noisy after that, even though we’re upstairs, which is why I’ve set the start time at 6pm. If you’re planning on coming along, do aim for around that time so we get sufficient talking time.

We’ve got an array of attendees confirmed — some of whom I know, others of whom I’m yet to physically meet. I’m really looking forward to it.

You can browse the guest list at the Facebook Event page.

I’ll be bringing the camera so if you’ve got a pitch to make or if you’d like to show off your technology, be sure to bring a sample or have the app/service installed ready for the evening. And don’t worry if you are under cover or in ‘stealth mode’, it’s not obligatory.

Bring it on, I’ll see you there.

Once again, the details:

The Date:
Wednesday 12th August

The Time:

The Venue
Charlotte Street Blues Bar
74 Charlotte Street

Google Maps link:

My expectations
I’d like to meet you and find out what you’re doing. And if appropriate, use our meeting as a springboard to then write a post or two about your company/product/service. Or you, personally. So if you’ve got a pitch, bring it on.

In terms of attendees I’m thinking low numbers. 10, 20, maybe more? Relaxed. Please do add yourself to the Facebook Event though, if you’re planning on coming along.

Your expectations
Expect to talk a bit of business. Bring some cards, bring some demos. MIR readers absolutely love the words, ‘Well, actually, I’ve got a demo I could show you,’ when accompanied with the speaker padding pockets hunting for a bit of technology to show off.