
MIR Mobile Mixer London is tonight!

Right then!

The MiFi wifi mobile hotspot unit is charged. CHECK!

The Canon XH A1 video camera is charged and ready. CHECK!

Blackberry/iPhone/G1 are charged and ready. CHECK!

Tonight’s the night for the first ever MIR Mobile Mixer. It’s a far more relaxed version of the infamous Unlimited Drinks events of days gone by. There are no free drinks and no free food. But there will be a good amount of smart mobile people to meet and gizmos galore to examine, no doubt.

There are 39 people registered on the Facebook Event page. This is a good number. At the previous events we used to do, it got rather difficult meeting and speaking to 200 odd folk. It was great to see a buzzing room but I never managed to get to really meet people.

Here’s what I’m aiming for:

1. Meet people, have a drink
2. Get pitched. Tell me what we should be writing about.
3. Capture people on video and publish here on MIR.
4. Show people the MiFi mobile hotspot unit I’ve been sent as a trial

Once again, here are the details:

The Date:
Wednesday 12th August (tonight!)

The Time:

The Venue
Charlotte Street Blues Bar
74 Charlotte Street

Google Maps link:

When you arrive, go upstairs and look for the sign that says EWAN. Or look for me. Here’s a photo:

Failing that, text is probably the best way to get in touch in case it’s a bit noisy: I’m on 07769 658104.

Remember the venue does food — American South fare (onion rings, fries, hotdogs, burgers, salads) — so bring a bit of cash if you’re intending to eat. And if you’re into cocktails I’m told the venue’s house cocktail, the Charlotte Mint Julep, is worth a look.

I’m looking forward to seeing everyone tonight!

Don’t forget your business card. And if you’d like to see a hilariously oversized business card, ask for mine.