
Trying to destroy the Sonim XP3 handset

We popped over to the Sonim stand on the last day of Mobile World Congress and…. yes, we put Dan in charge of the interview. He has been fascinated with the Sonim indestructible handsets and couldn’t stop looking at the hammer on the desk whilst Christophe from Sonim was telling us about their new range.

Annnd then we let Dan loose.

With a hammer.

And his HUGE boots.

First, you’ll see him stepping and jumping on the Sonim XP3 packaging. Rumour has it, the material might even stop a bullet, although we didn’t get that verified. That in itself is worth a purchase.

Then Dan couldn’t keep his hands off that hammer. WHACK. WHACK. WHACK.

And then Dan spotted James walking along the corridor towards us. And promptly threw the phone at him. Then down the stairs. Then stamped on it and threw it down the stairs.

And then engaged the bystanders (a bit of a crowd had formed) and asked them to stamp on it. And… You know what, get a coffee, sit down and watch this…

Playing with the Sonim XP3 (1 of 2) from Mobile Industry Review on Vimeo.

And the second vid? Right here:

Playing with the Sonim XP3 (2 of 2) from Mobile Industry Review on Vimeo.