
Mmmm shiny shiny.. and only £50

Apart from a brief flirtation with Sony Ericsson a while back, I’m a Nokia man at heart. I like my phones to sing, dance, hoover the rug and make the tea – as well as your usual run of the mill stuff, like making and receiving phone calls. Even if it’s the size of a house brick and juices the battery in a few hours, I need features, toys and flashing lights.

However.. if you’re not like me and go more for style and size over umpteen million features and the battery life of a milkfloat, check out this little beauty from Sagem.

It’s called the my411x, a cute little candy bar handset with a rather snazzy mirrored-front design. And yes, it makes phone calls too – but that’s not all.. According to the specs it’s tri-band, got a built in MP3 player, VGA camera with 4x digital zoom, Bluetooth, SyncML, and is WAP 2.0 and Java compatible.

Of course I can’t vouch for it’s useability, reliability and general pulling power in real life as no one sent me one to play with for this review. However, for the knock down bargain price of £49.99 on Orange Pay As You Go, it’s not going to break the bank to give it a go. You never know, you might actually keep it as your main phone and never look back 🙂