
Mobile Advertising Keeps Getting Better thanks to Mapp Media

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I love it when I hear about great mobile advertising campaigns. When it’s done right mobile advertising is amazing. When it’s done badly it is just awful and makes me feel like we are back in 2004!

But this is a campaign that was done well and has got an award to prove it.

In May Mapp Media, in partnership with Carat, created a #BoostYourRun campaign for Adidas that also integrated Spotify and Runkeeper. In essence you could create a Spotify playlist for your workout and using Runkeeper the playlist adapted to your workout intensity – presumably banging techno if you were going quickly and a boy band ballad if you were slowing down. That would certainly make me speed up!

Anyway, so popular was this campaign that they got more than 250,000 unique users to an Adidas hub on Spotify in just four weeks.

On top of that success, Mapp Media also picked up the Mobile Entertainment award for the Best Advertising Campaign. Well done!

Nathan Warner, a Director at Mapp Media said of the success:

“This is great recognition for our team … including Adidas, Spotify, Runkeeper and Carat, so a big thanks to all of them as well for allowing us to execute such an innovative solution.”

“We work hard to create innovative and creative solutions for our clients that deliver results. The awards are a reward for this and the icing on the cake to the hard work that goes on behind the scenes.”

Well done again Nathan and team.