
Mobile data in France from Vodafone - not so bad today

Bonjour from cold, overcast Paris.

I found this text from Vodafone heartwarming. This is what they’ve been advertising. £2 for 25mb of roaming data up until midnight. But, you do have to opt-in — that is still a little annoying.

25mb is ‘more-than-enough’ for normal usage — I do agree. However I’ve already avoided downloading a 1.8mb picture of my little boy sent by my wife… Because that’s almost 7% of my total allowance and I don’t know how much of the 25mb I’ve already used. I can’t stand being limited like this.

After the 25mb total is reached, I think I’m going to be nailed for a quid-a-meg. Better than £14/meg of course. I’m trying to be good.

There really should be some kind of clear data-usage indication on my handset.

Posted via email from MIR Live