
Mobile Monday London tonight: The HTML5 vs Native debate, redux!

I’m moderating the panel tonight at Mobile Monday London’s event. Here are the key details:

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6.00 Arrival
6.30 Introduction
6.45 Debate
8.00 Networking
9.30 Close


The CBI Conference Centre at Centre Point, the very tall building immediately above Tottenham Court Road tube station, on the Central and Northern Lines. Please use the entrance at street level under the bridge formed by the building itself.


With thanks to our sponsors, Keynote SystemsDeviceAnywhere Platform.

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The EventBrite page is here. It ‘sold out’ same day from what I hear but there’s still an opportunity to get yourself added to the wait list. I recommend not holding your breath. It’s likely to be a popular one. 
The motion we’ll be debating is as follows:
“This house believes that HTML5, far from being part of Gordon Ramsay’s larder is more likely to be used by Stavros at the corner chippie. Fine if you want chips. Do you aspire to be Gordon or are you content to be Stavros?”
Mwhahaha. We shall have some fun with this one I reckon. 
If you’re heading along tonight, say hello?