
Mobile Gaming Still Casual, Nothing Serious

Parks Associates has released the results of a study they did on mobile gaming. Apparently, consumers still see their mobile games as mere casual gaming devices, even as developers are creating more high-energy and intensive games.

Looks like more than 55% want to play puzzle games and card games, with more than 30% looking for word and arcade games such as TextTwist (I *LOVE* TextTwist).

I think it would have been interesting to know a bit more about these consumers than just their gaming preferences. What phone do they currently own? More importantly, how old are they?

I think this study is somewhat common sense, though. I mean, think of where you would use your mobile phone for gaming? I think that most people game on their handsets during short waits in their day, such as in line at the supermarket, or on trips to the bathroom, and that sort of thing. Not really conducive to getting into a full level of Doom or something, eh?