
Mobile masts make it dangerous to play outside

Link: Protesters Fight Eyesore Mobile Mast (from The Argus)

I know we don’t normally cover this sort of thing, but I couldn’t resist posting a link to this story.

On one side, mobile giant T-Mobile. On the other, Mrs. Jackie Williams – formerly of Ilford in Essex, but now living in the town of Saltdean, near Brighton, in Sussex.

It’s an argument that we’ve heard time and time again. Mobile network wants to install a base station, but the residents don’t want it in their area. It’s commonly known as NIMBY syndrome (‘not in my back yard’), and is usually masked by lots of whining about radiation, glowing pets and how no one could possibly ever want to use a mobile in the area.

This one is a bit different though. Have a look at this quote from the article:

Mrs Williams, of Heathfield Avenue, said: “Children play on this piece of land. It is a lovely little green and lovely plot of England. We moved from Ilford last year where it was too dangerous for children to play outside. It’s great to be able to see them free to play here like we used to in the Fifties and it would be such a shame if that was taken away from them.”

So the argument isn’t the usual one, it appears. Nope – the reason they don’t want T-Mobile installing a replica telegraph pole and a couple of green boxes is it’ll suddenly propel the area in to the 21st century, and mean the kids can’t play outside anymore.

The real irony of it? About half way down the page there’s a whopping great advert for T-Mobile.


So if you’re planning a trip to Saltdean soon, and use T-Mobile, it might be wise to check your coverage. Or keep away from areas resembling a 1950’s scene with children merrily skipping down the road.