
Mobile messaging to be worth $88 billion

New statistics out on how much we love our mobile messaging (guess what? It’s a lot) from the analysts over at Strategy Analytics. According to them, the world will be spending $88 billion on messaging by 2012 – that’s 15 percent up on 207 – and while text messaging will still make up the lion’s share of what we spend out money on in moble, other forms of messaging will grow at a stellar rate.

Apparently, the mobile messaging stars will be the sort of services we use on our PCs – mobile email, mobile IM – as operators start giving away more cheap, all-you-can-eat data pricing and make email services easier to use.

The report also notes that the way device form factors are changing will affect mobile messaging take-up. Too right – the way the BlackBerry (not to mention its copycats) is starting to get comfortable in the consumer space just proves how popular the combination of email-friendly keyboard and a big screen is for even the average user at the moment.