
Mobile podcasts... via your mobile, no application required

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Andy Carvin tweets that we can listen to his NPR report on mobile blogging from our phones. Just call: 202-683-7002. This is, indeed, where content and communication merge

Jeff Jarvis just blogged about a service that America’s National Public Radio is offering — since I’m now in the States, I’m taking a great deal of pleasure in being able to simply dial US numbers without the +1 addition and an international sized phone bill.

I decided to phone up that number there — 202-683-7002. Fascinating. I was connected immediately, there was perhaps a second delay and all of a sudden, the report on mobile blogging began playing down the phone. Very, very cool. Particularly when more and more people are getting unlimited voice calls. I really like the idea of being able to listen to shows this way — it works for anybody with a handset (or a landline for that matter). No need to download application software and use your data allowance downloading podcasts.

I’m not saying I’d always want to consume media in this manner, I’d just like to have the choice.

I’ve emailed Andy to see if I can find out more about this service. I’d like to be able to call up the BBC and listen to their podcasts in this way too.