
Mobile web users to reach 1.7 billion

Over the next three years, the number of mobile web users will triple, according to Juniper Research, rising from its current level – 577 million – to 1.7 billion by 2013, as users get online hungry for the web 2.0 applications.

According to Juniper, The Far East & China region will be the largest market with 416 million users by 2013, while take up will be slower in areas such as eastern and western Europe, where fixed broadband is more common.

Interestingly, the analysts say: “As with the fixed internet, many mobile web 2.0 applications will need to be provided at base cost/flat-data rates (or even free of charge), forcing industry players to seek new revenue streams.” I’m wondering how far the fixed internet ad-funded model for content will transfer across to the mobile web – surely mobile operators are too scared of just becoming a bit pipe to let that happen?