
Mobile World Congress: 10 more passes to give away right now [ALL GONE]

Earlier this week BlackBerry stepped in to offer Mobile Industry Review readers 10 free general tickets to the event (no travel or accommodation). That’s a saving of 600 Euro for the ticket.

We were oversubscribed last time — so please be as quick as you can if you’d like a ticket.

To qualify, your firm must be actively engaged in mobile development (or you yourself must be a developer).

I also need for you to be either actively or potentially interested in developing on the BlackBerry platform. Enough to pop along to BlackBerry’s AppPlanet developer day on Tuesday . This isn’t a condition from BlackBerry — rather, it’s a condition I’m imposing. I think it’s only fair.

The competition is a simple one — you just have to be quick!

There are only 10 tickets, one per company. To get hold of one of them, you simply need to email me.


1. Please make the email subject: BlackBerry MWC Ticket Competition
2. In the body of the email include a brief overview of you or your company to demonstrate your mobile developer credentials

My email:

I’m doing this on a first come, first served basis. You can be based anywhere, this isn’t just open to UK or Americans. Which is why I’ve waited to post this when most of the world is awake.

If you’re successful, I’ll drop you an email as soon as I can. Once we’ve reached 10, I’ll update this post to let you know.

I hope to see you at the event!

Update: All tickets have now gone!