
Mobile World Congress PR pitch top 10

Here’s the top 10 as it stands this morning on the MIR MWC PR pitch league:

Skuku remains unchanged up there at 24 digs. A hot new mover is InnoPath — arriving in the number two slot, whilst Zcapes is still on 12 digs, putting them in third place.

SpinVox are fourth with a paltry 7 digs, followed by HTC, Microsoft, MobileFocus, Sony Ericsson — and interestingly the Novatel Wireless ‘MiFi’ launch pitch is at number 9, with VirtuaLogix at number 10.

If you’d like to influence who we interview at Mobile World Congress, have a look at the pitches then ‘dig’ the ones you rate. That’ll put ’em up the list.

Have a browse of the current top 10: