Clicky sets the record straight on UK data rates

Our very own Samantha could have used the other day when she blew 10 quid in data charges in just 30 minutes worth of playing around on her Nokia N66 that she’s testing.

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Here’s what site founder, Pete, has to say — via his post on MoMoLondon:

As I’m sure you’ll all recognise, cost is often cited as one of the single biggest reasons preventing faster adoption of Mobile Data Services by consumers. The consumer challenger is based on high costs which they will encounter or lack of knowledge of what the costs will be. This has not been helped by some of the reported problems of consumers running up huge bills due to lack of understanding.

As a result, I’ve started the MobileMeg.Org ( site with the objective of making these costs clear and accessible to consumer and service providers alike.

This is a collaborative project and I’d really welcome the input of users, service providers, network operators, designers, developers and any other interested party in making this a useful and accurate resource.

So far, I have set-up a simple table with data I have been able to pull together from UK network operator information. I have included some roaming charges where I have been able to find it. Ideally I would like to see this grow to cover tariffs in any country and all related data roaming charges.

I’ve also linked to a forum boards, for users to leave comments, suggestions, tariff info, etc

Please check out the site; leave feedback; provide corrections and updates; link to us; and get involved as much as possible.
