
MobilePeople Gets It With Local Contextual Ads

I’m honestly very skeptical of mobile advertising, unless it takes advantage of the key difference between mobile and stationary – location. Hence, I’m pretty impressed with MobilePeople’s announcement yesterday of their new liquid Advertising Suite. Made up of three parts – the liquid Ad Server, Adsite Builder, and SMS Links, the suite is fully integrated with the liquid Mobile Search Platform, which is already rocking along in 12 markets around the world.

The service offers advertisers a way to offer focused, contextual ads to consumers when they’re most likely to act on them. With the newly announced ad suite, ads can be delivered based on time, keyword, category, or location. The time one really stands out to me. That means, at 7am in downtown Dallas, I could search for ‘snack’, and be offered a coupon for a nearby donut shop. However, the same search at 3pm might offer me a coupon for a plate of french fries. That’s brilliant! The press release also mentions a situation where someone might search for a car showroom and also be served up ads for local garages and car insurance.

I like this. Privacy hounds may say what they want, but the simple truth is that we’re not going to completely escape advertising, so it might as well be something I’m likely to actually USE, right? You can pick up more information on this MobilePeople company here at their website.