
Moblog nominated for TWO (more) BAFTA awards

On top of their existing BAFTA nomination and on top of last month’s MediaGuardian Innovation Award the chaps at MoBlogUK are going nuts with delight to have been nominated for a further TWO more BAFTA awards. They’re now nominated in three categories:

– Interactive
– Interactive Creative Contribution
– Interactive Innovation – service/platform

This is for their work together with Channel4 on the Big Art Mob project — which aims to put public art on the map, via the medium of mobile.

Congratulations to the team there at MoBlogUK and kudos to Channel4 for having the confidence to greenlight the project in the first place.

I called Alfie, one of the MoBlogUK co-founders and asked him how he felt. He took a second then responded with, “At last, something I can tell my mum about to make her feel proud.”

Right on Alfie!