
More on SMS cricket score updates in India

Link: The Hindu Business Line : Cricket is not your property, COAI tells Board.

In a new twist to the row over sending cricket updates through SMS, Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI) has questioned the authority of the Board of Cricket Control in India (BCCI) as the governing body controlling the game of cricket in India.

Responding to the BCCI notice, cellular operators said, "Cricket has
been played in India for over a century and it is shocking that BCCI
can seek to claim property rights over the awareness of the game, and
the scores and information on who is batting and who is out, or on
so-called "live instant information" or "current events." These are
matters that are within the public domain and you cannot claim a right
over these. Such a property right has not been recognised by any
statute in India."

I’ve been following this issue for some time.  It’s exciting to see the COAI fighting back!  I think they have a point.  I don’t see how a particular scoreline can be proprietary information when you’ve got 60,000 people sat watching it and millions more watching on TV!