
Motorist text reminder service is smashing

WWW.SMASHINGTXT.COM | SMS reminder service

I’ve just been having a play with a new text reminder service, called Smashingtxt. It’s quite a cool service, and I believe it’ll fill a real gap in the market. Of course there’s umpteen million different reminder text services out there already, and you can set reminders for birthdays, anniversaries, feeding the cat, putting out the recycling, and pretty much whatever else you have to remember. So why is this offering from Smashingtxt different?

The service focuses on one particular audience: the motorist. The company behind it, Smashing Plates, is one of these companies that’ll get you a really cool numberplate for your car, van, bike, caravan, whatever. You know the sort.. like EW4N for example. They’re not a tech company, and aren’t churning out mobile applications ‘because they’re cool’ and then trying to find an audience – quite the opposite. With over 30 million cars on the road in the UK nowadays, they’ve figured out that we all need a little help to remember things like renewing our MOT, putting the car in for a service, etc.

As someone who managed to not realise for a couple of months that his first MOT was due, I’d go for this straight away. In fact, I’m going to setup a reminder now to give me a nudge when it’s next due. At least with road tax renewals I get a nice pretty reminder.. but with MOT and servicing? Nothing. Not a sausage. It’s up to me to remember these things – and spending a couple of quid could save me quite a large fine and some points on my licence.