
MWC: Our publishing plan for this week and beyond

Right then Rafe and I are now back in the UK and operating at peak levels once more. As I’ve explained on one or two of the ipadio ‘phlogs’ (“phone blogs”) that I’ve published, Rafe and I decided to commit to obtaining as much content as possible, rather than panicking about getting it up and live. The realities of capturing, editing and publishing super-quality video at a remote location make it quite a challenge.

I normally make use of two Apple Mac Pro towers, each with four processors and gigabytes of RAM — four 28.5″ screens, multiple terabyte drives and two broadband connections. That’s how we’re setup at MIR Towers. That makes the process fast and efficient.

Rafe and I sat down on Friday and worked out the content plan, so here’s what you should expect:

– We’re going to play the content out over 5 weeks. Dumping 10-12 hours of content on you this week won’t work very well.
– We’ve limited the amount of editing we’re doing — that is, where possible, we’ll bring you the full interviews and the full hands-on coverage that we shot. We might as well. Other ‘stations’ have to compress everything into 2-minute chunks, we don’t have that restriction.
– We’ll give some priority to the videos that are particularly time sensitive

I’m looking forward to seeing what you think!

And if you missed my newsletter on Nokia at MWC over the weekend, make sure you sign-up to future editions here.

Once again I’d like to thank everyone at Symbian for their support in helping us get to Mobile World Congress and create such fantastic content — we simply couldn’t have done it without them.