Clicky - I'm luvin' it

Picture_13_3I was in London today and met up with a colleague today.  I was chatting away about — and my colleague decided to check it out. 

We were both dead impressed with the setup.  It didn’t, for some reason, process his setup screen the first time — that happened with me too.  You simply quit out and reconnect, and it works brilliantly. 

Anyway I added him as a friend and within about 3 minutes of him visiting, we were sending messages to each other across the table.

But wait!  There’s more!  I was online and I spied Alfie Dennen of in my list.  Poor Alfie.  I’d added him via MXit’s GoogleTalk gateway a few days ago.  He was online this afternoon so I whacked him a message.  Geez.  It’s good.  Veeeeeeeeeery good. 

As for MXit’s position in the industry, … well, some people I’ve spoken to from South Africa reckon they’ve passed 1.5 million users.  I don’t have any confirmed statistics to support this though. 

But wait!  Yup!  There’s more!  If you order today…     😉   My last point for this evening, before I go down and watch Love Island to decompress, is to ask you if you can name another mobile instant messenger service such as MXit which works on all those platforms (see screenshot, top left)?   I think MXit must be the market leader in terms of users and platform compatibility? 

Shockingly impressive.