
My Top 7 Apps: Draven McConville of Klipboard

My Top 7 Apps: Draven McConville of Klipboard

It’s time for another Top 7 apps post and this week we have Draven McConville of Klipboard.

Klipboard is a mobile app and web dashboard, enabling businesses to become completely paper-free. Designed for companies with employees who work outside the office, Klipboard allows staff to complete & manage forms, reports & tasks via a tablet, anywhere at anytime.

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DRAVEN MCCONVILLE KLIPBOARD (1)Uber: I have become an avid user of Uber, right from the early days of its release. I have found that it is only getting better and living in London, the instant, seamless and convenient nature of it is a complete must for ease of transport.

Slack: Having built two companies before, both with offices in London and Belfast, ease of communication was always a priority. Slack has been great for me and my team and as it acts as a centralised communication hub for sales, marketing and engineering teams.

Apple Pay: Not that I need any encouragement to spend my own money, but being an iPhone junkie and never without it, Apple Pay saves me having to reach into my wallet and pull out plastic and then proceed to enter a pin. I have only started recently using it but I am hooked already due to its simplicity and clarity, showing me what I spend & storing a record of it.

Deliveroo: Working long hours in London means come an evening you just want to kick back in the comfort of your own home. But I am a real foodie that does not like cooking! Deliveroo brings my favorite restaurant food to my front door, as simple as that.

Air BnB: My wife and I like to escape for short weekend breaks and have used a website previously called Welcome Beyond which is a range of architecturally inspired homes for rent. In recent years though, AirBnB has been dominating the short term rental market and we both now seem to be able to find interesting homes at a reasonable cost. It is easy to use and enjoyable to browse on a Sunday evening when dreaming of the next escape.

Klipboard: A cheeky little plug but I couldn’t resist! Even though our team is not field-based we still use Klipboard for all our own internal audits, staff reviews, staff contracts – basically any internal documentation that was paper previously.

1password: It may be old age setting in but then again I have accumulated many passwords to remember due to the years of working in the tech industry. This is especially true being in a paper free office that uses several different software platforms to get the job done. 1Password allows me to centralise the management of all passwords and stops the headache of having to remember them all, or even worse, having to do the old dreaded password reset.

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Thanks to Draven for his answers today. I have noticed a lot of people recommending Slack on these recently, one of my favourite apps too!

You can find out more about Klipboard on their website, twitter, facebook and LinkedIn.

If you’d like to contribute your Top 7 Apps or if you are the PR representing someone you’d like to see featured, everything you need to know about participating is right here.