
My Top 7 Apps: Martin Macmillan of Pollen VC

My Top 7 Apps: Martin Macmillan of Pollen VC

I’m back with another Top 7 apps post. This week we have Martin Macmillan, CEO of Pollen VC. You can find out more about him here.

Pollen VC gives app developers faster access to their app store revenues.

Martin uses an iPhone 5S.

Let’s get on with his list of apps…

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Full Contact: Lets me simply scan business cards to add them directly into my contacts book and our CRM system – saves me the hassle, time or getting someone else to do it!

Kayak: I travel all over the US and Europe constantly, so this app makes it easy to find good travel deals quickly.

Hotel Tonight: My family and I used to live in Central London, but now we live way out in the sticks, so sometimes if I’m working late at our Carnaby Street HQ, or going to an event in town, I like to play “Hotel Roulette” with this app – their hotel selection is actually very reliable!

Wunderlist: Since I’m always on the move, it’s often tricky to keep track of what needs attention. Everyone in the office uses this app to create a “to-do list” of the things they need from me – which I can review at a glance rather than trying to search through my overloaded inbox!

Uber: Of course everyone knows about Uber, deservedly as it just works so well! Landing in a new country, I always seek out Uber rather than an airport cab after so many rip-off experiences!

Vivino: Great app for checking out what’s on a wine list when you’re out in a restaurant – again helpful for a constant traveller like me!

Genius – previously Rap Genius: I’m a huge fan of old school Hip Hop – and music is in my blood. Prior to Pollen, I launched the music-remixing company Soniqplay.

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Thanks to Martin for his list of apps. There’s a few travel ones here and I’m definitely trying the wine app out!

If you’d like to contribute your Top 7 Apps or if you are the PR representing someone you’d like to see featured, everything you need to know about participating is right here.