
My video call reckons you love me

Go on. You can tell me.

I know you’ve been holding it back for a while.

It’s just, I know too. I know you love me.

Because when we did that video call last night, I got an MMS and, well, it told me everything I needed to know. Thanks to TelcoBridges.


Yes! You too can use this new service courtesy of mobile operator Korea Telecom Freetel (KTF), integrator, TI Square and hardware/software developers, TelcoBridges!

KTF’s 3G (W-CDMA) Video Special Call Service provides video messaging, call recording, and voice analysis capabilities that evaluate voice patterns and gauge the sincerity of the caller.

So, the cheque is in the post. Or is it. Call’em by Video Call and find out 😉

The service is packaged and sold as the “SHOW Love Detector” and the “SHOW Lie Detector” — both a free-based and are, apparently, rapidly gaining popularity across Korea. You can actually run a mobile video call with a ‘love meter’ on the handset’s screen. Heh.

The magic information arrives at the end of the call — in the form of an MMS-based ‘analysis’ of the conversation. (“He thinks you’re fat,” “Don’t, men are all the same,” … heh… I expect it will be a little bit more in-depth than that). The analysis reportedly details the level of surprise, concentration and honesty of the speaker. This Value Added Service is rendered to subscribers on an unlimited-use basis, for a set monthly fee. Nice.