
myFairPartner's completely online employment service (connected by text message)

I caught some news today about myFairPartner, a new online temporary employment service. They’ve integrated absolutely everything into one online portal which, if you’re a temporary worker (or, you hire a lot of them), will be an absolute dream come true.

It’s typically an absolute arse, hiring temporary workers. I’m sure many readers have, at one time or another, been a temp. There is so much wastage, it’s unbelievable. The lady from the agency phones you. You’re on the phone so she leaves a voicemail. You phone back 10 minutes later but that job’s gone. But she thinks she might have something for you. You wait 2 weeks. Then phone back. She’s tried calling you for 3 jobs but you didn’t respond… yeah, ridiculous. This kind of inefficiency is built right into the system.

But hopefully myFairPartner can fix that with their online approach that enables companies to begin the hiring process immediately. And crucially, because myFairPartner has integrated SMS (powered by the good people at TynTec) into the system, the information distribution and response circle should be that much tighter. Employers should, for example, begin to get replies from applications almost immediately — because SMS is something that people can respond to when they are working (even if it means a quick trip to the restroom).

I’ll be interested to see how things work with myFairPartner and TynTec. Good news.