
N900 beats iPhone in mobile usability test

Peter-Paul Koch is a man after my own heart. He routinely has 10+ mobile devices on his desk at any one time (on account of being a mobile platform strategist, amongst other things). When one of his friends asked his advice on buying a new handset, he saw the opportunity to do a real-time usability test of all the major handsets at once. It’s a true normob test — the friend in question is currently using a super-super-old Nokia.

If the phone UI area interests you, I strongly recommend you take a bit of time to read Peter-Paul’s exhaustive write-up. It’s a beautiful piece, it really is.

Thanks to Kevin Neely in sunny San Francisco for sending me the link to Peter-Paul’s post. Kevin knows a thing or two about mobile — indeed he’s one of the most knowledgeable and obsessive (in a good way) mobile super-users I know. So much so that I caught Kevin on camera last summer when I was in the Valley. Do also take a bit of time to see what he had to say on the subject of mobile applications: