
Never hesitate to complain... I don't!

I was talking to Ewan about my phone operator Blyk; I’ve been with them since February/March, and for the most part I’ve loved the service, I mean it’s free right?

Somehow, some Blyk membercare staff have got it into their heads that shouting to me down the phone, or telling me to go to the forums, compensates as Customer Service. I beg to differ!

On quite a few occasions now I’ve had the luxury of speaking to such staff, and to be honest I’m fed up of it. Now, I should also make you aware that since June 25th I’ve been unable to open any MMS message that Blyk sends me; this naturally means my Blyk account is “inactive” resulting in my refill being delayed. I’ve been trying to get this sorted since this date, and as of yet, nothing has successfully worked. Plus, my refill which is due on Friday, will not be arriving, because Blyk are inapt.

I should also point out, that some of the Blyk Membercare team who have worked with me for the past weeks have been good, but then again, it’s their job isn’t it?

Anyway, Ewan asked me to post my complaint. For obvious reasons the name of the person I was complaining about has been deleted, and I am in the process of writing an e-mail to the CEO of Blyk, because to be honest, it’s a joke.


I phoned up Blyk Membercare today after having troubles with my mobile phone on Blyk for nearly four weeks. I’ve been speaking to the Membercare staff for the past week trying to resolve this issue (although it took over two weeks for Blyk to respond to the vast amount of threads or concerns on the Forums). However, today I was greeted with a rather rude and loud *******.

I will expect the staff at Blyk to be aware that young people (the people you are dependent on for business), have the lowest tolerance for rudeness, customer services, and when things go wrong. I myself believe I have been very tolerant with Blyk, seeing as my problem still persists over three weeks. But, when I phone up and ask for help regarding any matter, issue, error or query, I do not expect to be shouted at down the phone.

I made it very clear to ******* that I had already visited the Blyk website, and that I’ve spoken to other Blyk Membercare staff over the phone regarding the issue; however she was insistently rude that I should return to the website, and that she wouldn’t help me over the phone.

I should add that this isn’t the first occasion that I’ve had a bad experience with Blyk Membercare people; and whilst on the whole my experience whilst talking to them has been good, I’m shocked to find that some of the Membercare staff believes that they have a right to be moody, agitated, or rude. I should remind you that the staff at Blyk Membercare are paid, and are answering phone because it’s their job, and they’ve chosen to do it. Therefore with that in mind, they should not be rude when talking to their customers on the phone.

I do not tolerate being spoken to in any manner that I perceive as rude, agitated, unwelcoming or harsh from anyone; this rule applies to the Blyk Membercare staff too. As I have already said, this isn’t the first occasion of rudeness, and on these occasions, I’ve forgotten about it, and did not complain; this though is the final straw. Blyk Membercare should not be directing their members to the forums (which I’ve read quite a lot about), they should listen, and when I made it clear that I had already visited to the Blyk site, and still the matter persisted, they should try and help me resolve the issue, and when the Blyk Membercare put me on hold, or mute their microphones, I do not expect them to come back on the line complaining that I’m still being rude, even though it’s obvious I’m not speaking to them.

Blyk seriously needs to sort out this matter, but as I have said numerous times in the forums you need to address a whole range of other issues too. The fact that Blyk expects to expand itself into Europe later this year, and next year is laughable. You can’t even get the basics right, or even offer the basic of services (Message Reports, outgoing MMS, Free Data included), yet somehow you can expand?

I can assure you too, I will also be passing these concerns onto the higher people behind Blyk; because I’m aware some of these issues don’t directly reflect the Memebercare, but it needs to be highlighted.

Thank you for reading this,

Samantha K.

Maybe they’ll get their bums into gear now, then again, like with everything they could just ignore it, and think nothing of the issue.