
New hires at Flirtomatic HQ

Got this in from Mark Curtis, top man at mobile flirting success story, Flirtomatic who incidentally picked up best marketing campaign (on behalf of their Strongbow win).

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Hi Ewan

How’s things? We still ought to have that drink!

Just wanted to send you a quick email this morning to keep you in the loop. I was told it would be better to drop you a note about our new appointments, rather than send you a press release.

We’ve just added four more people to our London team. We’ve taken on a new Graphic Designer (George Mayou), an interaction designer (Jaeseung Chang), a Project Manager (Elizabeth Hansen) and a new front-end Developer (Leonardo Lanese).

It’s been a very good year for us so far and we’ve made a lot of progress but we’ve still got lots more to do. We’ve got some good ideas about how we can deliver the best possible service to our users and we’ve got some major developments planned as a result. We’re by no means perfect and we know we can give our users a better service. These new hires are driven by our desire to develop what we have at the moment, a lot further.

Keep up the great work.


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Thanks for taking the time to write in Mark — it is a lot better getting emails rather than bare-bones press releases. The feedback from everyone reading is a lot more positive. Congratulations to your new hires! Perhaps we can get you on to the MIR Show sometime soon Mark.

If you’d like to do business with Mark at Flirtomatic, drop me a note and I’ll connect you.

I also need to add Mark into the all new Mobile Industry Review Who’s Who in Mobile. Mental note.