
New Media Age irrelevance about MMS

Normally I wouldn’t give New Media Age the time of day.  Any "NEW MEDIA" publication which still thinks it’s cool to hide its content behind a login box needs its head examined.

This headline caught my attention though:

Mobile data revenues overtake fixed-line as MMS use rockets

I can’t give you any more than that, because, obviously, it’s subscription only.  What planet are they on?  Click the link and if you happen to be a mindless subscriber, you’ll be able to read.

I’d really like to know more about this however I can’t be bothered to pay for a magazine subscription or even go and buy a copy.  BUY?  Buy a paper copy?  How 1980s.  I can remember when if you were in New Media Age, you spent the week buzzing and people ‘in the know’ used to say "oh, I saw you in NMA".  It used to mean something.  Anyway…

I doubt the reality is as accurate as the headline portrays.  If all of a sudden MMS use was ‘rocketing’, it’d be all over the blogs and news outlets that actually matter.   I suspect it’s a clever re-write of some recent stats showing that we’re all being screwed paying 14 pence a text, which, as we all know is often classed as "data" revenues.  Plus no doubt it shows some sort of rise in MMS traffic.