
New petition to help mobile bloggers who lose devices

I was sent this one in by reader Mike. It’s a petition to, er, demand aid for mobile bloggers who consistently lose their devices.

I, er, obviously signed it right away.
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Mobile Blog publishers

We believe wholeheartedly and passionately in Mobile Bloggers.

We cherish them to our online bosoms, covert their missives and live e-vicariously through their Lithium Ion-powered exploits.

We believe that Mobile Bloggers everywhere should be free to carry out their good work, free from the threat of war, pestilence, famine, MNO duress, VC spin or the loss of any particular mobile device or accessory, no matter how inept or numpty such a loss might make them appear.

To this end, we strongly beseech those holding the purse strings of the online Mobile Blogging community to provide each Mobile Blogger with apparatus such that will ensure that they never again will suffer the ignomy of loss of a cherished mobile device.

We believe that a device such as the LadyBag is the clear, obvious and essential choice of device.

We promise to show every degree of due respect for any Mobile Blogger who is seen in posession of a LadyBag.


The Undersigned

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You can express your support here.