
New SMS Text News Directory 2.0 launches verrrry softly

I’ve been working like crazy on the new SMS Text News Directory.

We had one before, but I just wasn’t happy with it. It was getting a good lot of traffic but it’s design, layout and back end system was really, really winding me up. So I eventually worked through the night and built a new one.

I kept a copy of some of the old data; but I decided to start afresh. However the frustrating thing is, when you’re in the middle of creating stuff, it’s hopeless trying to think of all the companies I know and talk to regularly to populate the directory. When I was working on the Public Relations category, I drew a total blank. Ridiculous. I ended up having to search my mail for the words ‘public relations’. I’ve missed tons of people out, I know it. So it’s looking rather bare right now. I’ve only added three categories so far and knocked in the likes of MX Telecom, TynTec, Esendex, iTAGG — anyone on the front of my mind at the time.

I’m working on creating a comprehensive directory of every company I come across. If I mention them on the blog, I’ll knock up a directory entry and link to it, in an effort to brain-dump the people and companies that I come into contact with. It’s of little use to readers if it stays there. The concept being, when I find some wickedly useful supplier of shortcodes in Bolivia (for example), and when a news post isn’t really appropriate, instead of sticking their email into my growing archive, I’ll document them in the directory.

Basic entries are of course free. There’s an option to pay for those who’d like a more prominent listing — that also comes with additional privileges. For example, an expanded entry, a guaranteed Q&A interview here on the site together with priority editorial attention (but not guaranteed publishing!)

I’m building the directory human-style. Pen and paper, basically. I did have a very nice lady from India go through and collate information on hundreds of companies a while back but whilst it was comprehensive, it was also……… well, [pained face] the quality wasn’t entirely there. Nicht gut.

If you’ve got a few moments, help me out with a few suggestions of categories and companies to list — if you’ve read this far, take a look at The Directory (loads in a new window) and knock me a few suggestions on email ( Your help is most appreciated.

Now, I’m off to write-up the results of the Texperts vs AQA vs Ask Terry test this evening. Surprising results they are too.