
New York Times Allows Notes To Be ShifD To Your Mobile

The New York Times today launched a new service called ‘Shifd‘ that allows you to transfer notes, links, anything quickly and easily from your PC to your mobile and back again. Using Mowser, an internet mobilizing service created by Russell Beattie, Shifd has a simple UI and organization, with things split up into notes, links, or places.

Currently free, and not integrated into the website, Nick Bilton, the creator, says ad-supported is a possibility in the future. Shifd is built on Adobe’s new AIR technology platform. ShifD is in open beta, meaning you don’t need an invite or anything to sign up and give it a whirl. There’s also a mobile-specific site, with iPhone and Blackberry optimised interfaces that will automatically be delivered based on your device.

They’ve got an easy browser plugin, or you can download the desktop application (Mac and Windows are supported), along with the mobile side. I’ve been using the Google Firefox plugin SendToPhone for a long time now, to quickly and easily send links and notes to myself via SMS, but Shifd seems to make it easier to keep a log of all these little notes. Very nice.